
Mastering the Fretboard in Open D Tuning (e-Book)

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $24.99.

This book is the first of its kind to teach music theory from the ground up for guitarists playing in Open D tuning. Throughout its 80 pages and including 125 diagrams, you’ll learn the major scale, triads, scale harmonization techniques, seventh chords, chord extensions, the minor pentatonic scale, arpeggios, the minor blues scale, soloing techniques, blues progressions, uses of chromaticism, guide tones, shell voicings, and more.

By the end of this book you’ll be able to improvise in this tuning, play chords and scales all over the neck, and perform in all twelve keys.

Open D tuning offers beautiful sounds that are hard to attain in standard tuning—but this tuning isn’t just for playing a few blues or folk tunes. It’s a full-fledged tuning that’s as versatile as standard tuning, and when learned well, it can easily become your primary tuning.

All tunings that use the 1-5-1-3-5-1 interval system will find this course beneficial, including Open E and Open C. This book is complemented well with the online video course “Mastering Open D Tuning“. Instant PDF download.


Music theory fundamentals in Open D tuning. 80 pages, 125 diagrams (tablature & sheet music). PDF download.


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